The calculator is based on the Guidelines for Imposing Fines approved by the Supreme Court in February 2020. The calculator is not a decision-making tool but only serves to facilitate the determination of fine with the same punitive effect on perpetrators without distinction, considering that the fine is adjusted according to the type of criminal offense and their finances. Other interested parties, through the calculator, can understand not only the rough estimate of the fine but also the methodology used for its determination.
The user is required to select the appropriate category and after opening the table to enter the required data. Unlike the determination of restitution, there is no need for very specific financial data to determine the fine. The reflected total serves as a starting point and the judge has the discretion to consider other circumstances that may affect the amount of the final fine.
Criminal fine calculator
Select a calculation based on the offence type
Choose the provision
Will suspended sentence be imposed on the defendant?
Imprisonment in months
Damage / Benefit
Monthly income
Value of defendant's other property
Total in defendant's debts/obligations for this period
Imprisonment in months
Damage / Benefit
Monthly income
Value of defendant's other property
Total in defendant's debts/obligations for this period
Download here the Guidelines for Imposing Fines as a sanction for criminal offenses.

This calculator is supported by the Embassy of the United States in Pristina’s International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) program.